Research & Development

Team of researchers dedicated to studying new solutions in the field of polishing and finishing metals.

In a market in continuous evolution, a market which is always looking for best performances and best quality/price products, is extremely important to be an active key player.
Our company has always been frontline active for what concerns the research of solutions and materials which can improve the general qualities of the realised products.
We engage in active collaboration with university laboratories and prominent manufacturing companies to explore more advanced solutions with a strong emphasis on the eco-sustainability of our products.
In this sector, eco-sustainability entails energy efficiency, the utilization of new materials derived from the circular economy, and waste reduction.

Vista laterale di una sostanza abrasiva liquida in un becker
Lavoratore del reparto di ricerca e sviluppo esegue dei test su alcune sostanze abrasive

Internal chemical laboratory


Constant interaction with customers also allows us to keep our range of abrasive pastes updated, accessing sectors beyond traditional polishing and effectively meeting all emerging needs in the reference industry.

Today, to embrace the opportunities in a constantly growing and changing market, the only way to stay updated is to continue investing in research and development, embracing new challenges and using the know-how gained through years of experience to address new evolutions.

Internally, we have a chemical laboratory where, with the assistance of an expert in the field, we periodically explore and test new solutions. Over time, these solutions become unique and original offerings to introduce to the market.”